Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Julias Caesar :: essays research papers

cripay dividends for the remainder of his career, Cromwell demanded that both officers and men meet the highest standards of moral character and honesty. He expected instant responsiveness to commands and forbade looting, swearing, or an Despite his age, Cromwell, at forty-three, raised a cavalry troop, his first military command. Following criteria that would pay dividends for the remainder of his career, Cromwell demanded that both officers and men meD or was born in the year 100 BC into a patrian family who claimed decendancy from the kings of Alba Langa and through them, Aeneas of Troy whose mother was the goddess Venus. Caesar's name Julius comes from Iulius, the family name. This comes from Iulus, the name of Venus' son. At the time of his birth, Rome was still a republic and the empire was only really beginning. The senators ruled, motivated by the greed of power in the hope of becoming either a consul or a praetor, the two senior posts which carried imperium, the legal right to command an army. From these posts it was possible to, with the help of the army at your command, conquer new territories and so gain a triumph and the pleasure of knowing that your name would be remembered forever in statues and inscribed monuments, paid for by the spoils of the war. et the The most used method of transport the romans used was the horse and the chariot. Simply because they did not have much other ways to travel. When people traveled they also could have walked but it is tiring and that would of affected the way they would of fought performance wise. When they wanted to travel they used a sailing ship or a row boat. This was also used by the Roman Army because it was powerful and affective. ghest standards of moral character and honesty. He expected instant responsiveness to comma From early times right down to the 3rd century A.D, the Roman army was based on its legions. A legion varied in strength from 4,000 to 6,000 men, and was subdivided onto ten cohorts. Its leader used the title of legatus. His staff officers were called tribuni. Senior non-commissioned officers were called centurions, who varied greatly in rank. The soldiers of the legion were specifically picked men. They were all Roman citizens and received a higher pay than the auxillary troop s - that is, foreigners who serve with the Roman army.

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